The weights are still pointed and come with a string to dangle the weight. The first weights were usually made from rocks or stones, then replaced by lead, then finally steel and brass. The modern day plumb bob hasn’t changed much from the original version. However, the plumb bob was still very useful for buildings, bridges, and more. The level was more compact, efficient, and usually gave a more accurate reading. It largely eliminated the need to use a plumb bob as a horizontal measurement device. This is likely because the metal, lead, was used for the earliest weights. The word itself is said to have come from plumbum, a Latin word that means “lead”. It was installed inside a frame that allowed it to turn horizontally and vertically: acting as both a level and a plumb bob. The weight was usually made from a rock or some other kind of heavy object. Used for architecture, sailing, and surveying the skies, the device likely played a major role in constructing the pyramids. Most historians agree that the first plumb bob was invented in Egyptian times. While the accuracy of this technique is debated among professionals, it is based on the same ideas that make the plumb bob device useful. Then, the golfer compares the green on either side of the putter to see which way the ball will break. The golfer squats behind the golf ball when it is on the green and extends the putter toward the hole. The term “plumb bob” is sometimes used in golf to refer to a putting technique. It can be used for all kinds of construction projects, from building a bridge to hanging art on the walls. The plumb bob gives architects and builders a vertical reference point during construction. When the weight is allowed to dangle, it pulls the string into a vertical line that is referred to as a plumb line. The string is usually made from either cotton or nylon, and the weight is typically made from brass or steel. It consists of a small weight with a pointed bottom that is attached to the bottom of a piece of string.
Looking for other test and measurement tools? We also carry a full selection of bevel sliding, calipers, marking gauges, measuring wheels, micrometers, squares, tape measures, and more.Also called a plummet, a plumb bob is a very simple device. Once you have attached your string, simply use the spirit level sighting pattern to align your bob with magnetic north then trim the head for a perfect fit. The weight, or bob, is then allowed to swing freely so that it stops precisely below the point at which the string above is fixed. The point of the tool is fixed at the point to be plumbed.

Plumb bobs are used to find straight vertical lines and horizontal lines. These plumb bobs are made from solid brass, meaning their rust resistant and durable. With their vertical, solid brass construction and through a hole, these 300g/400g/450g heavy-duty brass plumb bobs (usually used in electrical work) give you a reliable point to start from. The plumb consists of a specially designed weight and coarse string made of twisted cotton or nylon threads. Plumb is the vertical equivalent of a spirit level. Plumb bobs are used by masons, carpenters, and electricians to find a vertical line known as a "plumb" in the ground.